Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If It Doesn't Challenge You, It Won't Change You!! Tuesday Circuit!!

I am soooo psyched for today's circuit!  I'll be doing it with a co-worker during my lunch break and I'm sure we will both be puddles of jello when it's over.
There will be two sets of exercises, BOX and ABS.  They will each be done twice and alternated, so you'll have 4 sets altogether.  You get a one minute rest between each set.  

5 burpees
10 box step ups each leg*
10 pushups
8 box jumps**
10 pushups
60 second wall sit, hands above your head
30 second reverse plank with tricep dips***
5 burpees

25 crunches
20 reverse crunches
10 wall ab lifts****
40 bicycles
30 russian twists (with or without a medicine ball)
60 second plank w/side reaches (knee to elbow/shoulder)


I'm petrified, psyched, and totally prepared to sweat.  I hope you all do it too!! I promise you will feel phenomenal afterwards.  Remember, if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you!!

Challenge yourself, and you'll be blown away by the results. 

Good luck today!!

It took me 20 minutes today.  I only repeated it once, but if I had more time I would have done it once more.  So try three times!  It will take 30 minutes and your body will thank you!

* Pick a box at least knee high.  Stand behind it and place one foot flat up on it, 2 or 3 inches away from the edge.  Using that raised leg, push the rest of your body up and keep your free leg pointed.  Lock your knee.  Release back down.  Try not to let more than your toe touch the ground, it would be cheating if you used it as a spring to go back up...You want to isolate that one leg.  

**  Begin on the ground and jump with both feet onto the box.  Land as light as you can on the balls of your feet, try to make as little noise as possible.  You want to land near the center of the box, far away from the edge.

***  Straight, strong arms and back. Chest out, pelvis tucked in, and squeezed, tight glutes.  Keep just your heels on the floor.
****  Straight back, tight core, fingertips on the floor.  Raise your feet off the ground, hold for a second and lower back down with control.  Lower just until your heels touch and then repeat.

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