Monday, July 16, 2012

Killer Circuit Today!!

Hey all,
So, I just got back from the gym, and let me tell you, it was gnarly.  I barely finished.  I love movement sets that work several areas of the body at once.  You just have to make sure that you are completely stable, you don't want to hurt yourself.
Think of the following workout as a song.  There are 3 verses and a chorus.

Verse 1:
10 minute run at 6.3 with a 2.5% incline

15 kettlebell swings (25lbs)
10 kettle squats with a lift (25lbs)*
10 kettle inverted squeeze up rows on your toes (25lbs)**
10 bridge raises on each leg
10 crunches, 20 bicycles, 10 toe-crunches, 20 bicycles, 10 crunches
10 pushups

Verse 2:
5 minutes rowing with a 10 difficulty

15 kettlebell swings (25lbs)
10 kettle squats with a lift(25lbs)
10 kettle inverted squeeze up rows on your toes (25lbs)
10 bridge raises on each leg
10 crunches, 20 bicycles, 10 toe-crunches, 20 bicycles, 10 crunches
10 pushups

Verse 3:
5 minutes jumprope

Your body will be crying and you will be happy

*Squats with a lift
Find your center and with a strong core, lower the kettlebell as far to the ground as you can using only your legs.  Like you are sitting in a chair, stick your butt out.  You ALWAYS want to be able to see your toes.  Raise up with your legs and straighten your back, squeezing your ass muscles, and then pull the kettlebell to your chin using your shoulders and arms.  DO NOT arch your back.  keep your core strong.
**Inverted squeeze-up rows
Bend your knees and get a strong back and core at a 45 degree angle, both hands holding a kettlebell and extended straight downwards.  
Squeeze your arms up, elbows bending, shoulder blades squeezing together until your hands are just below your chest.  Control the movement back down and repeat.  You will be engaging your chest, upper back, lower back, triceps, and abs.  
If you can do this and you feel stable, raise your heels off the ground.  If you do this movement with your heels slightly raised, your entire leg will be engaged as well.  
If you cannot find stability, then DO NOT go up on your toes.  You could seriously hurt yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Its 6:45AM and I decided to scrap running and check out the circuit you did and I'm about to embark on killing it... I may die. AND I drank an impossible number of vodka sodas last night so I may still be intoxicated.
