Alrighty, Today's workout wasn't half bad. Different and delicious. But I can guarantee tomorrow, legs will be mega sore.
You will be using machines for part of this routine.
Three triple sets.
Do each set 3 times, without resting. Boom Boom Boom
Then take a 1 minute break, and blast out the second set three times. Take another minute break, and finish hard with the ab portion. You don't need to use heavy weights in the first two sets, you will get tired too fast, and you want to be able to complete your third set at fatigue. It should be easy-ish the first time, difficult the second, and the third, you should barely be able to finish. Oh and you might want a towel...You're going to get sweaty. Hehehheh. Cheers!!
Do a quick 5 minute warmup. Sprinting, elliptical, jumprope, whatever.
Set 1
12 squats w/overhead press (25lbs)
12 leg curls
12 leg extensions
Repeat 3 times
Rest for 60 seconds
Set 2
12 romanian deadlifts
10 walking lunges (each side) (all the way down, no cheating!!)
12 leg presses
Repeat 3 times
Rest for 60 seconds
Set 3
10 regular pushups
10 chataranga pushups
10 spread-eagle leglifts*
30 russian twists
20 crunches
40 standing calf raises
Repeat 3 times
*Flat back on the ground, arms under your rear. Lift your legs off the ground to 45 degrees, lower to 6 inches off the ground, spread your legs apart, bring them back together, and repeat. Do not let your feet touch the ground.
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