Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mushroom Tapenade!!

I'm not a huge fan of mushrooms.  It's mostly the texture that bothers me, but I just adore the rich, meaty taste  you can get when you cook the $h!t out of them.  Previously I made stuffed mushrooms and I also put them in my Green Soup, but in both of those, the shroomsies were overshadowed by other flavors.  
I do however LOVE mushroom tapenade.  I cook it for hours until the texture totally breaks down and caramelizes and you're left with an incredible condiment.  You can put it in omelettes, in salads, on flatbreads, or on toast with a little swiss melted on top.  The possibilities are myriad.  
You will need,
4 portabello mushrooms (you can you button mushrooms too, they're just not as meaty)
2 onions
1 clove garlic
1-2 tablespoons bacon drippings
White or Red wine
Kosher salt, ground pepper

Dice the mushrooms very finely and do the same to the onions.  
Mince the garlic.  
Heat a heavy skillet to med-high and add the dripping.  Saute the garlic and onion until translucent.  Then turn the heat to mega low and let them caramelize for an hour.  They will reduce by half.

Add the mushrooms, some salt, and a splash of wine.  Cook for another 1-2.5 hours, stirring occasionally.  The mushrooms will release A LOT of liquid, we want that liquid to burn off, and we want it to cook off SLOWLY.  If it starts to stick to the pan, add another dash of wine.  You want the onions to caramelize and the mushrooms to be unrecognizable and reduced by more than half the original volume.  Taste as you go, depending on your preferences you can cook it more or less and add as much salt and you think you need.  If you want some extra richness, add a tablespoon of butter at the very end. 
Cool and refridgerate!

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