Monday, July 30, 2012

Gooey Zucchini 'n Cheese!!

Sometimes it can be hard to eat the proper amount of veggies.  It can be especially tricky to get tiny humans to eat the green ones!  This quick and easy recipe is simple and delicious!!

You will need,
2 zucchinis
1/2 cup cheese
1 teaspoon ranch dressing powder
pinch of salt
dash of pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil

Chop off the ends of the zucchini and grate it, skin and all.  

In a skillet, heat up the olive oil over medium heat.  Add in the zucchini and saute for 3-5 minutes.  Add in the salt, pepper, dressing mix, and cheese.  Take it off the heat and thoroughly combine all the ingredients.  The cheese will get all melty and gooey, and the entire thing will have a mac n cheese like consistency.  It will look super appetizing and will taste even better than it looks!  Getting your veggie servings was never this easy!


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